Dry Needling

Trigger Point Therapy is a powerful, drug-free way to treat musculoskeletal pain.

It is often utilized within a larger pain management plan that includes stretching, massage, and other techniques, but it can play an important solo role toward muscle recovery and pain relief.

This therapy involves using hair-thin dry needles — “dry” in the sense that they don’t inject anything into the body — which are inserted through the skin into muscle tissue.

Get Started on your Dry Needling Now!

The main focus is stimulating the muscle and connective tissue, restoring mobility and normalize muscle tone.

Stimulating a trigger point with a needle helps draw normal blood supply back to flush the area and release tension.

The prick sensation can also fire off nerve fibers that stimulate the brain to release endorphins – the body’s natural pain killer. 

Most patients experience immediate relief with this treatment.